Online courses

  • Suitable for those who cannot attend school, but who want to learn Norwegian.  A tutor follows you up over the internet. You must be able to use a computer
  • The courses are both for those who have the right and duty to learn Norwegian and for paying participants. 
    Link to IMDI where you can read about right and duty.
  • A lesson lasts 45 minutes

About the online course

  • We have online courses from level A1 to B2
  • The courses runs over two semesters. We accept new participants throughout the year.
  • It is possible to change levels during the course. 
  • The courses have a minimum of 6 hours of mandatory online work per week
  • The B2 course is a combination of 4 hours with at teacher at school and 6 hours of mandatory online work per week. 
  • Participants must have access to their own PC (not iPad) and internet.

Days with physical attendance

  • Wednesdays 08.45 - 12.00 at Tønsberg Learning Centre

How to apply

  • Fill out the application form
  • You will be invited to an introduction to online courses. NB! This will take place during daytime
  • When you get at seat, you will be notified of the start-up. 


Choose digital or printable application form 

Digital application form

Application form Norwegian courses online (PDF, 134 kB)

Price for courses

  • For participants with right and duty, the training is free at levels A1, A2 og B1.
  • Price per lesson for payable participants is NOK 75,- From 01.01.24 : NOK 78,-
  • The online course is devided in two categories
    • Only online based lessons at level A1-B2
    • Classroom lessons + online based lessons - Only available for level B2 

Invoices will be sent by e-mail. It is billed for approximately 4 weeks at a time. Online license is included in the hourly rate

Contact us

Superintendent of Education
Lene Sandholmen
Telephone: 33 40 68 31
Mobile: 470 20 790


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