National tests

Tønsberg Learning Centre arranges national tests in Norwegian, social studies and citizenship.

  • Norwegian tests are for residents of Tønsberg and Færder municipalities 
  • Tests in social studies and citizenship are open for residents of all municipalities.
  • Registration is binding for all tests. This means that once you sign up,  you cannot unsubscribe.

Information about the tests

  • If you are intitled to free tuition, you will receive the first test in Norwegian and social studies free of charge. Your teacher will give you information and help you
  • Contact the school if you are intitled to a free test but are not a participant at the school.
  • Have you taken an test before; If you are not intitled to free Norwegian tuition or want to apply for citizenship; you must register yourself.
  • If you are ill on the day of the test you must contact the school before the test starts.
  • Link to Kompetanse Norge where you find all information 

Norwegian tests and prices

Tests in social studies and for citizenship


Transitional rules for social studies

A new curriculum has been introduced according to the Integration Act from 01.01.2022, read more about this on Kompetanse Norges pages. 

This link bring you to transitional rules for social studies in Norwegian at Kompetanse Norges homesite 


How to pay

  • When you register for a test, you can pay by card, Vipps or ask for an invoice.
  • If you choose invoice a fee of 50 NOK will be added to the test fee.  Invoice will be sent to the e-mail you have registrered at Kompetanse Norge. 


Contact us

Questions about Norwegian language tests and social studies courses:
Superintendent of Education Haakon Didrik Vestby
Telephone: 33 40 68 11
Mobile: 936 44 488

Questions about tests for social studies and citizenship:
Test leader Mette Kåven Magnussen
Telephone: 33 40 68 03


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